LITRAXS Vs. Other Companies

3rd party companies all have one thing in common. They only exist if there is a problem. In short, they profit from your "problem". The money they "save you" goes directly into their pocket netting you zero.

You are completely dependent on these companies properly performing their job and with the results determining if they will continue to make money. Chances if it will ever be right even it is.

The extreme cost is also a major factor when dealing with 3rd party companies. They charge on a per visit basis and add up to $1000+ per month. LITRAXS is a simple inexpensive monthly fee that is as low as 75% less than 3rd party companies.

These companies are also usually franchised out so anyone can buy a part of one of these companies and become an "expert".

LITRAXS employees only those who pass or strenuous requirements. All LITRAXS employees must have several years of hospitality experience in order to qualify.

LITRAXS gives you the tools to never need a 3rd party again and the money you save goes into your pocket, not theirs.

Other software programs charge over $5,000 for their equipment plus a monthly fee for the use of their software. LITRAXS is a one time only setup fee and you lease the software and equipment on a month to month basis.