Why should I use LITRAXS? If you have a bar or restaurant you have an inventory problem whether you see it or not. Inventory is the most valuable asset next to your building. It generates your profits and is the biggest week to week investment/expense that you make and protecting it should be of utmost importance.

Beverage Inventory losses on average are a staggering 25-35% in the hospitality industry, That’s 25-35% of your investment and profits evaporating every week.

LITRAXS strives to be the end all be all answer to every owner/operator biggest headache, “liquor inventory management”. Beverage inventory is perpetual therefore making it nearly impossible to track accurately. Beverage inventory is time consuming, difficult, error prone and exhaustively boring. It’s no wonder why so few actually take it or take it right.

LITRAXS gives you the tools to take your inventory accurately, often, and keep it working for you. The more often you are taking your inventory, the less likely you are to lose product.

LITRAXS is an indispensable tool to ensure that your wholesale investments transform into proper retail profits.

LITRAXS Basic Features

LITRAXS basic features are the ones that you will be using the most. These are the tools that will allow you to start getting your inventory under control.

Measuring and recording your inventory is LITRAXS most basic function. When you sign up for our program you will be sent a barcode scanner and scientific scale. A scale for kegs can be added to your package if you choose to get one.

Measuring a product is a simple three step process taking about four seconds per bottle. That’s products a minute or 900 bottles an hour! Simply place the bottle on the scale, scan the barcode and press enter. LITRAXS instantly calculates all relevant data for that product and stores it in your database.

Once a complete liquor inventory audit is finished you can print a CSL (Current Stock Level) report and see various values related to your inventory. The CSL report also includes numbers that are related to your par and restock parameters letting you know what you need and what you don't. Suppliers and representatives are also included in the CSL to help speed up the ordering process.

Variance (Shrinkage): Calculate variance, the most difficult calculation to make, in seconds! After at least two complete audits simply upload the proper P-Mix report from your POS system and in seconds you will have several reports at your fingertips. Variance reports include the losses in various forms, wholesale and retail value losses and variance as a percentage of total volume along with several other values and charts.